Tony Ferrara - 5 Time World Champion / BJJ Black Belt

Tyler is an athlete's athlete and is literally a world-class Jiu-Jitsu competitor. His accolades in Jiu-Jitsu are well know as is his knowledge of all things fitness. Really, it is his ability to learn quickly and teach others that makes him an invaluable teammate and coach. He is building a successful team from the ground up with his experience, expertise, communication, and coaching abilities. Personally, I owe Tyler a debt of gratitude as he has helped me become the competitor that I am now. Want to be a champion? Then learn from a champion. -TF


Juan Vazquez III - Six Blades BJJ Black Belt

I have coached and taught alongside Tyler Beckley since 2012. His dedication to detail and perfection is amazing. His understanding of human movement makes him able to teach strong fundamentals and help others grow. I am proud to be part of his Jiu-Jitsu journey because I feel his presence at the academy also helps my learning and ability to teach. -JV3


Jake Bowman - FJJA Student and father of 3 FJJA Students

Our 3 oldest kiddos Cora, Eliza, and Judah began training Brazilian jiu-jitsu at Findlay Jiu-Jitsu Academy in early April, and this week, they earned their first belt promotion! We are super proud of their hard work, dedication and progress. 

Tyler Beckley and Amy Beckley are absolutely AMAZING coaches, teachers, and mentors to their students! Mary and I have been so impressed by what a fantastic program they run and we are so thankful that we have access to this top-notch academy right here in Findlay, OH. Thank you both for all that you do and for being such a positive influence to not only our kids, but everyone that trains with you!

 We homeschool and consider jiu jitsu part of our children’s education. I could go on at length about the endless benefits it offers, but ultimately, I believe that being able to effectively defend yourself or others should you ever have to, is a priceless skill-set for any human being.